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  • Writer's pictureДіма Філіпчук

Echoes of Trauma: Farinhate's "Далеко в ненависті" and the Impact of PTSD

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Ukrainian hatred is effective, and Ukrainians have learned to turn it into action, to direct it against the enemy. In this emotional and powerful release, the band fearlessly delves into the haunting reality of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Brace yourselves for a captivating exploration of emotions and a poignant tribute to those battling their inner demons.

Unleashing the Storm: "Далеко в ненависті" Unveiled

Many people returning from war for rehabilitation and treatment find it difficult to switch to civilian life and understand what people are doing in the rear, why (!) they are still in the rear, how to get what they saw out of their minds and how to live with it all.

This track is devoted to the problem of PTSD, a problem that exists now and will spread over time

after the obligatory, inevitable victory. It is important not to let a loved one absorb the horror of war from the inside, being in the rear physically, but still in the epicenter of events... far away in hatred.

A Personal Tribute: Farinhate's Unwavering Empathy

It is evident that "Далеко в ненависті" is not just a song to Farinhate; it's a deeply personal tribute to those affected by PTSD. Their unwavering empathy shines through, as they use their artistry to shed light on a topic often shrouded in darkness.

Message To Audience

We ask you to help the military who are fighting for independence today, as well as to support

those who managed to survive the crucible of battle and return to recovery. Never forget the price,

behind every liberated settlement.

Help the military now even more than you have done before, because right now they REALLY need

your full support.


Beyond its musical brilliance, "Далеко в ненависті" serves as a call to action. By bringing PTSD to the forefront, Farinhate contributes to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. They encourage open dialogue and empathy, urging listeners to support those facing their own battles

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